First of all, chase away your fears. Starting a new business, especially in this economy, may be tough, but it is possible. As a matter of fact, you just need three things: an idea, good professionals, and realistic funding. Read below about the six things you should consider and prepare before you launch your startup.…
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6 reasons why startups fail
Nine out of 10 startups fail. Starting a business is stressful and the owner/CEO needs to keep it together, even when things are falling apart. Read below and find out the six most common reasons for the staggering 90% of failed startups. 1. Show me the money When you start your business you need to…
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5 reasons to start your business before graduation
It is a good idea to start working on your business or at least business plan while you are still a student for several reasons. If you aren’t that motivated yet, then keep reading! 1. You have plenty of time You have free summers, Christmas and Easter holidays plus you can sleep more in the…
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